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Executive Council Meeting Minutes, September 17 - 19, 1991


Scope and Contents

-Executive Council - Opening of Session

-Agenda and Time Schedule

-Ministry to the Military - Report of Director

-Pensions - Report of Pension Transactions - (also Appendix/attachment-1)

-Pension Eligibility Committee

-Church - General - Building Repairs

-School of Theology - Student Housing Complex

-Budgets - Tithes Income and Disbursements - (also Appendix/attachment-2)

-Church - General - Nature and Mission of the Church - (also Appendix/attachment-3)

-Church - State - State Overseers' Tenure - (also Appendix/attachment-4)

-Committee on State Overseers' Tenure

-Ministry - Reinstatement

-Budgets - Summary Financial Statement - (also Appendix/attachment-5)

-Ministry - Reinstatement

-Carl E. Brazeale

-Gerald F. Coggins

-John D. Howell

-Alton L. Stone, Jr.

-Europe - European General Assembly - (also Appendix/attachment-6)

-Ministry - Task Force on Method - (also Appendix/attachment-7)

-Budgets - Line of Credit

-Executive Committee - Erring Members/Filling Vacancies - (also Appendix/attachment-8)

-Lee College - Request - (also Appendix/attachment-9)

-South Central Spanish - San Antonio Property - (also Appendix/attachment-10)

-Education - Task Force

-General Assembly - Update - (also Appendix/attachment-11)

-Pensions - Aged Ministers' Fund - (also Appendix/attachment-12)

-Church - Local - National Pastors' Advisory Council - (also Appendix/attachment-13)

-General Assembly - General Assembly Minutes - (also Appendix/attachment-14)

-Committee Concerning Transfer of Membership

-Committee to Develop Editorial Policy Relative to Doctrine

-Church - General - Salary Scales - (also Appendix/attachment-15)

-Publishing House - Purchases and Improvements - (also Appendix/attachment-16)

-Loans - Delinquent - (also Appendix/attachment-17)

-Loan Review Committee - (also Appendix/attachment-18)

-Howell - Bethel Ministry Center, Michigan 08490

-West Hollywood - New Testament, Florida (Cocoa) 09613

-Riverside - Foothill Faith Fellowship, California 05010

-Port St. Lucie - Treasure Coast, Florida (Tampa) 10129

-Tulare, California 02483

-East Calhoun, Georgia (North) 06220

-Newport - White Oak, North Carolina (Eastern) 08069

-East Orlando, Florida (Southeastern Spanish) 08396

-Clovis, New Mexico 02941

-Covington, Madison Pike, Kentucky 07831

-Toronto - Parkdale, Canada (Eastern) 08223

-Dale City, Virginia 08962

-Columbus, Rejoice Cathedral, Ohio (Northern) 05032

-Garrettsville, Ohio (Northern) 08765

-Palm Beach Gardens - Country Estates, Florida (Tampa) 00525

-Application Fee

-Albany - Harvest Temple, Georgia (South) 07146

-Mangum, Oklahoma 04953

-Ministry - Ministry Applicants - (also Appendix/attachment-19)

-Hispanic Ministries - Report

-Church - Local - Title to Church Property - (also Appendix/attachment-20)

-Ministerial Care - Report - (also Appendix/attachment-21)

-West Coast Christian College - Report of President - (also Appendix/attachment-22)

-Minutes - Approval - Meetings 1-4

-Task Force on Education

-Affirmation of Commitment

-Committee to Formulate Communication to the West

-Office of Ministerial Care - Committee Appointment

-Insurance - Directors and Officers Liability

-Church - General - Barney Creek Property - (also Appendix/attachment-23)

-Committee Concerning Utilization of Barney Creek Property

-Insurance - Life Insurance

-Life Insurance Task Force

-General Assembly - Prior Notice and Bylaws - (also Appendix/attachment-24)

-Task Force on Two-House System

-Cost of Living Increase - Retired Ministers - (also Appendix/attachment-25)

-Insurance - Health Insurance - (also Appendix/attachment-26)

-Ministry - Ordination of Ministers with Previous Marriages - (also Appendix/attachment-27 and 28)

-World Missions - Stateside Ministries - (also Appendix/attachment-29)

-World Missions - Korea - (also Appendix/attachment-30)

-Church - General - Appointed or Elected Boards - (also Appendix/attachment-31)

-NAE - Appropriation - (also Appendix/attachment-32)

-Church - Local - Tenure of Clerk - (also Appendix/attachment-33)

-Education - Board of Directors - (also Appendix/attachment-34)

-South Africa - Unified Assemblies - (also Appendix/attachment-35)

-Minutes - Approval by Executive Committee Meetings 5-9

-Commendation - Secretaries

-Commendation - General Overseer

-Executive Council - Future Meetings



  • September 17 - 19, 1991


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Repository Details

Part of the Hal Bernard Dixon Jr. Pentecostal Research Center Repository

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260 11th Street NE
Cleveland TN 37311 USA